Weekly Focus - Category III Pelvis

category iii weekly focus Feb 17, 2019

Hey Everyone, 

Here we are for our first weekly challenge! Your goal should you choose to accept it is to check Category 3 on every person you lay your hands on this week!

Your goal is to be efficient and effective with the treatments.  Category III is pandemic in today's society even without signs and symptoms of LBP. 

Your Check List for the week

  • Watch Video
  • Comment below (tell me what you got out of the notes & video)
  • Check Cat III at least 3 times a day
    • If you have a relationship with God/The Source/The universe etc. ask to have patients sent to you that you can help with this technique.
  • For those of you that want more deep dive training and accountability go to: 

Hopefully, that covers everything now 3...2...1 GO!



From my course notes:


DeJarnette discussed three types of pelvic problems. Categories I and II we have previously discussed. Category III is a pelvic imbalance with accompanying sciatic neuralgia.  Another way, to describe this, is that the patient has an intact pelvis which rotates off of the spine. This sets up the patient for a lower back disc lesion; a Cat III is not a torquing of the ilium about the sacrum.

A Cat III is not just for low back pain and not just for disc lesions, you can have an asymptomatic Cat III (with regards to pain), but something else in the body may be seriously awry.  It is possible to have a Cat III, superimposed on a Cat II which is in turn superimposed on a Category I, always treat from III to II to I.



    • The patient will appear to be walking with a duck waddle.
    • The entire pelvis will appear to move as a unit.


    • The gluteal crease will be on the plumb line, and all other structures will be off
    • There is NO accompanying sway or rib head tenderness


For years, Goodheart had difficulty integrating this pelvic dysfunction into Applied Kinesiology. He couldn’t find a TL or challenge for it.  In 1991, he finally developed a muscle testing procedure to diagnose and correct a Cat III pelvis.


Muscles associated with weakness

Bilateral hamstring weakness

Clear all forms of neurologic disorganization before you start this procedure.


    • Patient in the prone position
    • Apply anterior to posterior pressure on the ischium. Goodheart said you must get under the ischial tuberosity and lift posteriorly while the other hand pushes the spinous process of L5 toward the ischial tuberosity.
    • In my opinion, it is too hard to pull A-P on the ischium. Pulling the acetabulum will have the same effect as pulling A-P on the ischium. 
      • Note: This could indicate they have an acetabulum problem rather than a Cat III

If weakening of a strong indicator occurs:  after the challenge palpate the 5th lumbar/5th lumbar nerve for tenderness 

Place one block to lift the ischium (acetabulum) that challenged and the opposite ASIS The block under the acetabulum should be at approximately the 11 o’clock position

      • The block under the ASIS should be at approximately 90° to the spine
    • With the blocks in position, slowly move the block that is at 11:00 to the position of 6:00 stopping at about every few degrees to check the 5th lumbar tenderness Leave the block  in the position of least tenderness
    • The faster approach is to test the hamstrings together and ratchet down the block until you find a momentary weakening of the bilateral hamstrings tested together
    • Leave the blocks in place. The momentary weakening should have abated.
    • Test the intact hamstrings against breathing. Have the patient hold breath in, test. Have them hold the breath out, test.
      • If they weaken to breathe in, they have a sacral expiration fault
      • If they weaken to breathe out, they have a sacral inspiration fault
    • Palpate the sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments for tenderness.  For the area found, hold the cervical or thoracic on the ligaments area.


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